Chun Tae-il was born in Daegu on August 26, 1948. Due to his father’s business failure, his family wandered between Daegu, Busan, and Seoul. At the age of 12, Chun Tae-il worked as a newspaper seller, shoeshine boy, and barrow boy to make a living.
Despite such a difficult environment, Tae-il was a bright and talented boy, and his passion for studying was extraordinary. He joined Cheong-ok Higher Civic School, a night school, at the age of 15 and considered it as the happiest phase of his life.
During the day, he helped his father with sewing work, and after 4 p.m., he studied at school. His father’s objections prevented him from attending school for more than a year, and his school life ended; however, his desire to study did not wane.
Despite such a difficult environment, Tae-il was a bright and talented boy, and his passion for studying was extraordinary. He joined Cheong-ok Higher Civic School, a night school, at the age of 15 and considered it as the happiest phase of his life.
During the day, he helped his father with sewing work, and after 4 p.m., he studied at school. His father’s objections prevented him from attending school for more than a year, and his school life ended; however, his desire to study did not wane.
Relevant exhibits

Picture of Chun Tae-il’s Family, 1951, Chun Tae-il Foundation
This is a family photo taken when Chun Tae-il was approximately four years old. Tae-il is in the middle; his younger brother Tae-sam is on the left; and his mother, father, and uncle are at the top left.

The Family’s Relocation Route
This map shows the route of the residence of Chun Tae-il, who was born in Daegu, and moved approximately 25 times to Busan and Seoul. Due to poverty, Tae-il’s mother lived as a maid in Seoul, and the family led a wandering life.